AL.MA Media ئاپەکان

I Quaderni di Alice
AL.MA Media
Fascicoli tematici corredati da splendideillustrazioni, con una corposa raccolta di ricette golose,classiche e inedite, oltre a tecniche di base, scuole di cucina,pasticceria o decorazione.In ogni “quaderno”, trovate step di preparazione illustrati,approfondimenti e appendici, vetrine con gli accessori e illifestyle per la tavola contemporanea, indice fotografico ealfabetico per facilitare ricerca e consultazione.I Quaderni di Alice sono vere e proprie monografie dedicate alricchissimo patrimonio di ricette della cucina italiana. Ognivolume diventa un viaggio ideale in una categoria di piatti, daldolce al salato, dalle ricette tradizionali al cake design, daiprimi imperdibili ai dessert gourmet.Thematic dossiersaccompanied by beautiful illustrations, with an extensivecollection of mouth-watering recipes, classical and unpublished, inaddition to basic techniques, cooking schools, pastrydecoration.In each "book", you will find step of preparation illustrated,insights and appendices, showcases with accessories and lifestylefor the contemporary table, photo index and alphabetical order tofacilitate research and consultation.The Notebooks of Alice are real monographs dedicated to the richheritage of Italian recipes. Each volume becomes an ideal trip in acategory of dishes, from sweet to savory, from traditional recipesto the cake design, from the first missed the gourmetdesserts.
Alice Cucina 18.7.7
AL.MA Media
Alice Kitchen is the first magazine for lovers of Italian cuisine.
Alice Kochen
AL.MA Media
Alice Kochen bietet reiche Kolumnen füralle,die gerne lesen, kennenlernen, empfangen, reisen, träumen… unddieGeheimnisse des guten Essens und der Wein- undRestaurant-VielfaltItaliens entdecken möchten.Alice Kochen ist ab jetzt auch per Abonnement aufTableterhältlich.Jährlich, 6 Nummern: € 20,99Erinnere Dich, dass das Abonnement automatisch verlängertwird.Wenn Du die automatische Verlängerung kündigen möchtest, musstDudies mindestens 24 Stunden vor Ablauf desAbonnementsvornehmen.Kundenservice Mobile-AppsAlice Kochen steht den eigenen Kunden zur Verfügung.Beiirgendwelchen Zweifeln oder Fragen wende Dich bitte andieE-Mail-Adresse alice@ltmultimedia.deWichtig: sollten bei einer Aktualisierung irgendwelchebereitserworbenen Nummern verloren gegangen sein, so können diesedurchVerwendung der Taste "Käufe wiederherstellen" vollkommengratiserneut heruntergeladen werden.Alice cooking offersrichcolumns for everyone who likes to read, to know,receive,traveling, dreaming ... and want to discover the secrets ofgoodfood and the wine and restaurant-diversity of Italy.Alice cooking is also available by subscription on Tabletfromnow.Every year, 6 numbers: € 20.99Remember that the subscription will be automatically renewed.Ifyou want to cancel the automatic renewal, you have to make itatleast 24 hours before the subscription expires.Customer mobileAlice is cooking its own customers. If you have any doubtsorquestions please turn to the e-mailaddressalice@ltmultimedia.deImportant: should have been lost already acquired anynumbersduring an update, so they can be downloaded again"RestorePurchases" by using the key completely free.
Case Design Stili 18.7.7
AL.MA Media
Homes & Styles is the magazine for fans of the home and garden.
I libri di Alice 1.3.1
AL.MA Media
Tutte le proposte editoriali di SitcomEditoreraccolte in una splendida app! Periodicamente verrannoinseritenuovi libri sempre ricchi di ricette illustrate, foto acolori,step fotografici e contenuti multimediali. Scarical'anteprimagratuita per conoscere i nostri prodotti.PECCATI AL CIOCCOLATO di Luca Montersino - con videoIL PRANZO DELLA DOMENICA di Daniele PerseganiDOLCI & DECORAZIONI di Valentina Gigli – con videoMARE NOSTRUM di Piero Vigorelli – con videoI DOLCI FATTI IN CASA di Monica BianchessiROMAGNA MIA di Cristina LunardiniI MENU DI LUISANNA di Luisanna MesseriLA CUCINA SICILIANA – con videoSLURP - SOS PAPPAGELATI E SORBETTIMOUSSE TERRINE E PÂTÉIL PESCE AZZURROLA PASTA ALL’UOVOLA PIZZA... e tanti altri in continuo aggiornamento!All editorialproposalsSitcom Publisher gathered in a beautiful app!Periodically, will beadded new books always full of illustratedrecipes, color photos,step photos and multimedia content. Downloadthis free preview toget to know our products.SINS OF CHOCOLATE by Luca Montersino - With VideoTHE SUNDAY LUNCH Daniel PerseganiSWEET & DECORATIONS Valentina Gigli - With VideoMare Nostrum by Piero Vigorelli - With VideoThe HOME MADE DESSERTS Monica BianchessiRomagna Mia to Cristina LunaThe MENU Luisanna of Luisanna MesseriTHE SICILIAN CUISINE - With VideoYUM - SOS JELLYIce cream and sorbetsMOUSSE AND TERRINE PÂTÉTHE BLUE FISHTHE EGG PASTATHE PIZZA... and many others for more ideas!
Marcopolo Viaggi 18.7.7
AL.MA Media
The magazine dedicated to travel and places around the world